Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Train & The Potty

So life as usual has flown by. We celebrated Nana & PawPaw's anniversary, and then made it through Ethan's stomach flu. Ethan is doing so well, he is just talking non-stop. He loves to interact and tell us all about his day. He loves to take "sidewalks" (This is a nature walk around the neighborhood, but he insist we call it his sidewalk.) He loves to collect acorns in his Nature basket and then we decorate the house with them. We are now growing orange (his favorite color) mums. So he is doing great helping me water and prune them daily.

A couple of weekends ago, we along with the GG Sullivan's were able to take Ethan on the DART train. HE LOVED IT!!! We rode from Westmoreland station all the way to Downtown Plano. It was so much fun! He kept saying "momma, train goes fast!" It was a great experience and I hope to do it again very soon.

He has taken up marching and conducting the High School band while they practice. He loves to conduct along with the Drum Majors, this just cracks the band up, they love it, he's their little mascot.

On another note, Ethan has decided to start potty training. The other day he asked to go pee pee in his potty and so we walked in there and I took his diaper off, and low and behold he peed. He has been doing great since then, he comes and tells me every time he needs to go potty and he goes... He has a potty chart and he gets to put stickers on it when he uses the potty and he gets a skittle when he pottys. I am LOVING this training, he has made it so simple. I hope it continues to go as well as it has been.

This weekend we are heading to Lake D'Arbonne in Louisiana to camp with Jon, Calli & Calli and Chris & Cari, Lane & Andrea. We are looking forward to a weekend filled with fishing and hanging out on the cabin porch just relaxing. The boys play so well together and love to explore so I know they will have a great time being boys...

We hope to catch up with all of you soon!

Love y'all!

Bethany, Andrew & Ethan