Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, it's been a little while since I updated the blog. We have been so busy lately. In the past couple of weeks, we have attended the AIA Design Awards, gone to Arkansas to celebrate Callen's second birthday, (I cannot believe he is two!) and been to various Band or school related functions in the area. It has been a whirlwind of excitement.

Ethan is doing great! No more health issues so far! We have started taking daily walks around the neighborhood. He loves to collect little objects and leaves and such while we are walking so he can add them to his leaf collage book that he and Nana made together. He is doing very well identifying so many colors, and he is very descriptive when he speaks. It is so adorable. The other day he walked up to Andy and said. "Dada I wanna drink of cold water please..." So CUTE!! He is also working on using Yes sir, No sir, Yes ma'am and no Ma'am. He is beginning to use them more and more when he is speaking to older people...

We had a blast in Arkansas as usual! Jon and Calli recently bought a really nice 4 wheeler so we all had a great time playing around on it and exploring their many acres of land. It was so nice, and Ethan loved being on the 4wheeler! Such a typical dude... We are going camping with them at Lake D'Arbonne in October, we are very much looking forward to playing around on the 4 wheelers again!!

Last night we were able to attend Red Oak's band competition. It was so much fun, we got to go up into the super nice press box and watch thanks to PawPaw and Nana. PawPaw is the new Band announcer (he is GREAT by the way!) So we were able to go up there and enjoy all the free food and entertainment. Ethan is a HUGE fan of the band, he regularly goes up and attends their practices with his Nana, and he loves to conduct, and play the drums and clarinet with the band as well.

Well, I hate to say goodbye, but we are off to watch the Cowboy game at Unc and Piggy's house. So enjoy the slide show, we look forward to seeing all of you soon!



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Seizure, The Hospital and The Owies

Well, as most of you have heard, Ethan suffered a seizure while Cari and I were shopping at Target. During his seizure he stopped breathing, luckily by the Grace of God, Cari without question took him out of my arms, placed him on the floor in the middle of the aisle and performed CPR. After yelling for 911, two other women assisted us in keeping him awake and stable until the ambulance arrived. Cari was amazing, I cannot thank her enough... To feel 100% helpless and panicked as your child lay lifeless in your arms is by far the most horrible feeling I have ever had! After an ambulance ride that felt like an eternity, We arrived at Children's Medical Center. After an hour or two of waiting for some initial tests, the doctors all agreed it best to keep us for observation and more testing.

We ended up staying in the hospital for 3 nights. After an MRI, EEG, a Chest X-Ray and countless other labs, and tests, not much has been determined. It is not Chiari Malformation, It is not Epilepsy, all we know is that he has some Bronchial secretions, and has a condition simply known as breath-holding.

He has had no more seizures since Friday which is a great thing. We hope this was a one-time occurrence and that we never have to experience this ever again. He is back to his normal self, which is a nice change. The nurses and doctors were fantastic. His favorite was Nurse Becky. Every time the doctor would enter he would say "No,No Doctor" or "Bye,Bye Doctor" yet every time Nurse Becky was around he would just talk and talk to her, and always thank her for whatever she was doing, even drawing his blood. He loved playing on the elevators, saying "Elevators fun mama!" The staff was astonished at his vocabulary and how well he spoke. They would come in and test him on his colors and his alphabet knowledge, and he is such a charmer he enjoyed every minute. They also informed us that his knowledge of colors, alphabet and numbers were astounding, and that most 5 year olds knew what he knew... So that was awesome to hear! What a little smart dude, just like his daddy!

Well, all this to say, he is doing much better, and we are so thankful for each and every person who helped us get through this horrible ordeal. Ethan is so Blessed, WE are so Blessed to have all of you in our lives. We wish all of you the best, and hope to see you all soon!


The Moons
(who are looking forward to actually sleeping on a decent bed tonight!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ethan and Bigun's day of fun!

Ethan had a blast exploring his jungle gym while Bigun kept watch. We couldn't resist playing outside for hours in such cool weather. He is certainly getting more daring as the days go by, typical boy.

GG Sarah's Birthday Photos

Here are a few pictures we took while out to dinner with The Sullivan's to celebrate Grandmother's 70th birthday. Ethan was such a goofball! We had a great time!
